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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

earn money

All of us spend some time in online searches everyday, now earn money doing same thing. This paid for search program will provide search results from Google, Yahoo and MSN all in one page. Results will also show ranking of each website on above three search engines. A user can vote for relevancy of any site and can even comment about the website.
The name of this 'paid to search' search engine is Scour (well, its no more a paid program). Each registered user score points and accumulated points can be redeemed for Visa Gift Card or Paypal money transfer. Point based reward program is country based i.e. minimum points to be eligible for payout depends on users country. Here are the details:
1.                       Earn 1 point per valid search. Valid searches are searches which depict normal user behavior. Invalid searches are searching for exsjfskd, 3242424, a, bx etc.
2.                       There is a cap of 300 points per day with searches.
3.                       Points are earned for first 100 searches every day.
4.                       Maximum 3 points that can be earned per search i.e. 1 for search, 1 for comment, 1 for vote.
5.                       User must be logged in to earn points.
6.                       Refer others to this program and earn 25% of points they earn i.e. if a user referred by you earns 100 points each day, you'll earn 25 points in that day. These points are in addition to points that you earn from your own searches.
7.                       Minimum age for participation in this paid to search program is 13 years.
8.                       Join Scour paid for search program now.

Can anyone earn money from his/her online activities? It is possible at mylot. They pay for a number of activities on there site like commenting, uploading photo's, writing, discussing etc.It is a social site with a number of engaging and entertaining activities going on. Broad categories in which one can participate to earn money are :
  • Autos
  • Computers
  • Education
  • Electronics
  • Foods
  • Health
  • Hobbies
  • Jobs
  • Movies
  • Music
  • Parenting
  • Reading
  • Sports
  • Tv
  • Travel
  • Video games
In order to participate at MyLot one has to get registered at there website, after confirming his registration, he is free to participate in any or every activity on that site and earn money. Here are some basics:
1.                       Anyone who is 16 years or older can register to become a regular user.
2.                       Minimum payout is $10, payments are monthly via Paypal.
3.                       You are paid for every online activity on that site like asking questions, answering, participating in discussions, uploading photo, writing etc.
4.                       How much one earns depends on quality of his contribution i.e. his intentions, those who are participating with only one motive i.e., earning money without any serious or genuine interest will earn less.
5.                       This program is available globally, although mode of payment is Paypal alone. Earlier it was MoneyBooker for countries where Paypal isn't available but now it is no more available.
6.                       There is no limit on how much time you spend on this site or there is no limit on how much you earn every day.
7.                       Refering others will increase your earnings, you earn a 25% bonus on the earnings of users referred by you.
8.                       Earnings are initially very slow bsut once you reach a comfort level, you can expect good part time income.
9.                       so join mylot and earn money for every online activity in spare time

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